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Drugs: EU Agency Report, 46 new substances discovered. Illegal production on the rise in Europe

“European Drug Report 2021: Trends and Developments” – this is the title of the latest study released by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). Based on data from 29 countries (the EU27, Turkey and Norway), the report “offers new insights into the health and security implications of a complex and evolving drugs problem and of a drug market resilient to COVID-19 disruption”, the introduction to the report reads. The document warns of the risks to public health posed by the availability and use of a wider range of substances, “often of high potency or purity”. It also describes how organised crime groups “have intensified illegal drug production inside Europe to evade anti-trafficking measures, creating environmental, health and security risks”. European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said: “Drugs are a persistent and ever-present threat, affecting the lives of millions. The 2021 report provides the latest evidence on this vital issue, which corrupts the fabric of our society, fuelling violence and risking the health and security of our citizens”. “I am particularly concerned – she added – by the highly pure and potent substances available on our streets and online and by the 46 new drugs detected in the EU in 2020 alone. With the new EU strategies on security and on drugs, our Member States will have robust tools to address this emergency”.

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