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Matic Report: Mgr. Gadecki (President of Polish Bishops), deeply saddened by EU Parliament’s vote. “Culture of death prevails”

“I am deeply saddened by the European Parliament resolution calling for the possibility of killing unborn children”, the president of the Polish Bishops, Mgr. Stanisław Gądecki, said today, referring to the approval of the Matić Report by the European Parliament. “The culture of life envisaged by the Founding Fathers of the EU is turning into a culture of death and exclusion, with ideology taking precedence over reason”, the prelate said. Before the European Parliament in Strasbourg voted on the Matić report, the President of the Polish Bishops had addressed a heartfelt appeal to Catholic MEPs, asking them to reject the document because abortion “is a violation of the fundamental right to the life of every human being”. In his appeal, Mgr. Gądecki noted that the adoption of the Report (which also undermines the right to conscientious objection of medical staff) is “an attack on the Constitution of many European countries” which guarantee this right.

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