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Drugs: EU, “profitable and violent business, deadly trafficking. Disrupt crime groups and their trade”

On the occasion of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking tomorrow, 26 June, European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas said: “Illicit drugs are a persistent problem, affecting the health and security of millions. We are intensifying our fight against drug traffickers and producers but also stepping up on prevention. Victims merit support. People deserve to live their lives healthy and in safety”. Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, said: “Despite the pandemic, drug trafficking continues and remains extremely profitable and also extremely violent. 40% of criminal groups in the EU are engaged in this deadly business. To fight this threat, we need to cut the supply by disrupting crime groups” and their trade. The state of play and future challenges in relation to drugs and prisons in Europe are the focus of a new study published by the EU Drugs Agency (EMCDDA) today. The study, entitled “Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges”, explores “in depth issues ranging across drug use and drug-related problems among the prison population, the social and health service responses, and the drug supply inside prison”. It shows “that while in several European countries, prison services aimed at inmates with drug-related problems have increased, treatment and support options available to this group remain limited and need to be expanded”.

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