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Coronavirus Covid-19: digital certificate, regulation has been signed. In force as from July 1st, it can be used to travel in the 27 countries of the EU

The regulation that establishes the EU digital Covid certificate, the document that will come into force as from July 1st and will allow European citizens to safely travel within the EU, as well as enabling the economy to start off again, has been officially signed this morning. The document has been officially signed by the three leaders of the European institutions, David Sassoli, on behalf of the EU Parliament, Ursula von der Leyen, on behalf of the EU Commission, and Antonio Costa, on behalf of the EU Council. A short, restricted ceremony however made the event solemn. The three leaders also expressed their satisfaction, in few words.

According to Sassoli, this certificate is “the right tool to allow everyone, and in a fair and non-discriminatory way, to get back to normal life”. Costa emphasised instead the inclusivity of the document, “because  it serves those who have been vaccinated, have recovered or have tested negative”. Ursula von der Leyen pointed out, instead, that “the Schengen Agreement was signed 36 years ago, just like today”. And today the certificate “reassures us of this spirit of an open Europe that has no barriers”, she explained, proud of this digital tool, “developed in record-breaking time”, safe, free and applicable in every country. The rules will come into force in all member states, and a gateway will check its authenticity. As early as mid-week, 15 countries will already be connected to the platform and will start to issue the certificates.

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