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Blood donation: Kyriakides (EU), “thanks to all those who save lives”. Figures in the European Union

Stella Kyriakides (foto SIR/European Commission)

“On World Blood Donor Day, I want to applaud all those who save lives by regularly giving a little of their time, and a little of themselves, to help others”, said EU Commissioner for Health, Stella Kyriakides, to mark today’s Day. “Modern science and medicine have advanced in ways we could not have imagined just decades ago, and yet, the success of many of the sophisticated treatments we take for granted today still depend on blood transfusions. Every year, some 25 million blood transfusions are carried out across the EU in a wide range of life-saving procedures. “Blood plasma also plays a vital role with 8 million litres donated to tackle immune deficiency and make life-saving medicines for conditions such as haemophilia, a rare condition that affects the blood’s ability to clot”. In the past 18 months, a statement says, donations have been valuable in treating COVID-19. “This year the donor community has even grown, as many who have recovered from COVID-19 have become plasma donors themselves, facilitating efforts across the EU, and around the world, to research the potential use of convalescent plasma to help patients fight the disease”. Over 130,000 COVID-19 convalescent plasma donations have been registered. “So a heartfelt thanks goes out to those who have donated for many years and also to those who have joined this special community that quietly performs its selfless acts of solidarity each and every day”.

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