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Jacques Delors Institute: youth and Europe, initiatives and courses planned in June

A number of events for young people features in these weeks’ calendar of the Parisian “Jacques Delors” Institute, which Enrico Letta is the Dean of. The first event will take place on June 9th when the jury will meet for the “Miex Comprendre l’Europe” book award: a panel of journalists, members of civil society organisations and pedagogic and cultural associations will choose the winner of the 2021 award that aims at rewarding a book that enables people, especially young people, to better understand European issues. The first Jacques Delors conference will take place on June 18th: “Rebondir avec l’Europe” is the title of an event designed to “raise young people’s awareness of European issues, thus enabling them to understand the EU and its policies better”, as well as “urging young people to say what they expect of the European project, so that they can make their voices heard”, the organisers explain. It will be split into three stages: speeches and debates with some European decision-makers (deputy president Frans Timmermans will be guest of honour); several online workshops; a play about Europe (“Nous, l’Europe, banquet des peuples”). Finally, in those weeks and until July 4th, applications can be submitted for a one-year course at the “Notre Europe” Academy by young people aged 18 to 30 who want to spend a day a month, for 9 months, to study European issues.

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