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Future of Europe Conference: first event with citizens on 17 June, plenary assembly on 19 June. Executive Board today

(foto SIR/European Parliament)

Today is the fifth meeting of the Executive Board in charge of leading the Conference on the Future of Europe: it will have to carefully plan the agenda of the first plenary meeting scheduled for Saturday, 19 June, in the European Parliament’s Chamber in Strasbourg. The plenary will be attended by representatives from the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, by representatives from all national Parliaments and citizens, as well as by representatives from the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the social partners, and civil society. The draft circulated before the meeting of the Executive Board, to which SIR news Agency had access, shows that this first plenary session will be informative: the Citizens’ Panels and the digital platform will be presented, as well as the agenda and working arrangements of the plenary sessions, panels and events. The Executive Board, which is co-chaired by Guy Verhofstadt for Parliament, Ana Paula Zacarias for the Council, and Dubravka Šuica for the Commission, will also discuss the proposal for the first citizens’ event, scheduled in Portugal for 17 June. Also, the theme of the four Citizens’ Panels “will again be discussed by the Board as regards the topics to be assigned to each one and the indications for states that want to organize their own national events. The European panels will meet (physically or virtually) three times between September 2021 and January 2022. Another crucial issue on the agenda of the Board is communication: the goal is to create a synergy between the three institutions for a “tailor-made” strategy that ensures that citizens across the EU are informed and can therefore contribute to the Conference.

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