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EU Parliament: plenary session in Brussels. Victims in the Mediterranean, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, relations with Turkey

(Photo SIR/European Parliament)

Earlier today, day two of the plenary session of the European Parliament (17-20 May) opened with a debate about the national recovery plans, especially the role of Parliament, which, in a resolution that will be voted on next Wednesday, is asking to be adequately informed about the national plans and their progress through the EU Commission. The second item on the agenda is the European industrial strategy and a debate about the European Commission’s latest proposals put forward to Parliament by Commissioner Margarethe Vestager to stimulate economic recovery by strengthening the European industrial base. The morning will also see a discussion with the EU Council and the EU Commission about how to stop the increasing number of victims in the Mediterranean. In Parliament, the afternoon will start with High Representative Josep Borrell’s speech on the EU strategy for Israel and Palestine. “Human rights and the EU external migration policy”, the 2019 and 2020 reports on Turkey and Montenegro, the impact of climate change on human rights and the role of defenders are other items on the agenda, next to a debate on the new regulations for a number of EU programmes (Creative Europe, Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps). Today, the last debate on the agenda will be about Artificial Intelligence in education, culture and the audio visual industry.

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