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Germany: Lisi Maier (German Catholic Youth), summer and social activities, “to give children and teens a perspective”

Lisi Maier

During the dialogue that was held these days between the Federal Government and the Lander, the German Catholic Youth Federation (BDKJ) has called on politicians and administrators to give a perspective to children and young people in this phase marked by a gradual and slow reopening of the social activities halted by the pandemic. For the BDKJ, all outside school factors concerning young people in places of gathering and training should be highlighted. This is to enable policy makers to make a clear programming for the coming summer months. “There is great uncertainty right now”, said the President of the BDKJ Federation, Lisi Maier. We receive many inquiries from all over Germany about the feasibility of summer camps and camping activities. We ask that priorities be set to allow development opportunities for children and young people and the planning of safety measures by local youth organisations. Maier pointed out that “young people have had to do without many things over the past year. At the same time, however, they were able to handle the situation very responsibly: youth associations, for example, have developed good hygiene practices in many places last summer and autumn. We now need commitment from politics”, Maier continued. For youth associations, holiday measures are a key element for the personal development of young people. In addition to fun and leisure, they allow educational experiences while also giving a regulatory framework. These are free spaces for children and teenagers. “In times of pandemic, young people need this freedom more than ever”, Maier remarked.

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