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Conference on the Future of Europe: digital platform launched. Von der Leyen, “everyone has the opportunity to shape the EU’s future”.

“Make your voice heard”; “The future is in your hands”: these tag lines accompany the launch of the digital platform that will allow the citizens of the 27 EU Member States to participate in the Conference on the Future of Europe. The latter will have to reform the EU institutions and ensure citizens themselves can play an appropriate role in decision-making. European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, said: “Health, climate change, good and sustainable jobs in a more and more digital economy, the state of our democratic societies – we are inviting Europeans to speak up, to address their concerns and tell us what Europe they want to live in”. Von der Leyen added: “With this citizens’ platform, we are giving everyone the opportunity to contribute to shaping the future of Europe and engage with other people from across Europe. This is a great opportunity to bring Europeans together virtually”. An explanatory note issued by Brussels reads: “The Conference on the Future of Europe is an unprecedented, open and inclusive exercise in deliberative democracy. It seeks to give people from all walks of life, across Europe, a greater say on what they expect from the European Union, which should then help guide the EU’s future direction and policymaking”.

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