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Conference on the Future of Europe: the ABC on a dedicated website and on social media. Website to be launched on 19th April, opening on 9th May

(Photo SIR/European Parliament)

The Conference on the Future of Europe starts to get visually located on the screens of those who are interested in Europe’s journey and who follow it. While waiting for the official opening of such process, on 9th May, heralded in by the launch of a platform for an exchange of views among citizens on 19th April, there’s already a space in the European Commission’s website that provides the first few useful details in all languages: a brief description of what this “unprecedented pan-European democratic exercise” wants to be, that is,  “creating a new public space for an open, inclusive, transparent debate with the citizens about a number of priorities and important challenges”. Then, the webpage brings together all the “latest news” and the information, which for the time being are about the start of the conference; the basic “documents” are available too, especially the “joint statement” signed on 10th March 2021 by the presidents of the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission, which describes the meaning of the process, states the work methods and planned actions, and articulates the principles of the Conference. A dedicated channel has been opened on Twitter too; the “keywords” are #CoFoE #FutureOfEurope.

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