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Racism: Borrell (EU), “ending xenophobia and any intolerance, involving the institutions and society”

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the European Union, through Josep Borrell’s statement, confirms “its unconditional commitment to eliminate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and any related intolerance, including all its contemporary forms”. “Racial discrimination may lead to violence, harassment, obstacles to inclusion and discriminatory profiling. Other people have to face racism and xenophobia every day in many different forms: from hate crime to obstacles in access to services or social exclusion. The Covid-19 pandemic showed that racism and discrimination continue to exist in our societies and further aggravated the existing problems, sometimes increasing pressure on minorities”. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs adds: “In Europe, systemic racism is deeply rooted in all sectors of society as well as in all structures, and endangers the promotion, protection and achievement of human rights by every human being. The EU is aware of the existing challenges and is determined to face them”. On 18th September 2020, the EU adopted its Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020-2025 “to intensify measures against such phenomenon”.
The EU and its member states “strongly support multilateral cooperation against racism”, which needs firm leadership and the commitment of all institutions. In addition, it requires everyone’s participation and the involvement of all generations and all communities”.


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