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Day of remembrance for Covid-19 victims: closeness of European institutions. Sassoli, “we must remain united in the pandemic”.

The European institutions, too, show their closeness to Italy that is celebrating the national day of remembrance for Covid-19 victims today. “A year ago, the devastating images of Bergamo, a pain impossible to forget”, the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, wrote in a tweet. “Today, my heartfelt thoughts go to all the victims of Covid-19, their families and their loved ones. It is for them that we must remain united in the fight against the pandemic”.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also expressed her closeness on this “day of silence and remembrance”: “Our thoughts go to all those who have left us this year”, the president wrote in Italian. And she added: “The European family stands by Italy: we will overcome this together”.

Even the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, expressed his closeness “to all Italians” in a tweet. He wrote in Italian: “My heart is in Bergamo, where celebrations are being held today to mark the first National Day in memory of Covid-19 victims”. “Together we will win this long battle”, he encouraged.

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