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EU Parliament: plenary meeting to address Russia and the Navalny case, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the coup in Myanmar

Russia, Yemen and Myanmar: three tragic events in international politics, which the MEPs will discuss during their plenary session next week (8-11 February). On Tuesday, February 9th, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, and the MEPs will discuss the political riots in Russia and Alexei Navalny’s case. “In the last few weeks, thousands of Russians have taken part in the protests to call for the release of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny”, sentenced to a long time in prison, and “to criticise the corruption and deterioration of the standard of living, which have been followed by all-out repression and mass arrests by the police”, the European Parliament explains. The High Representative, Josep Borrell, is in Russia on these days to meet the Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, and other Russian authorities. Also on Tuesday, the MEPs will discuss the latest developments in Yemen (war and humanitarian crisis) and in Myanmar (coup), which will be followed by a round of votes on two resolutions on Thursday. The MEPs will be discussing “the worsening of the situation in Yemen, where the conflict that started six years ago is escalating into one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, with impending risk of famine”. Myanmar’s situation is as worrying: in a joint statement, some MEPs called for the reinstatement of democracy in the country and the unconditional release of all the arrested people.

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