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EU Commission: Cancer Plan. In a year 1.3 million victims in Europe. Von der Leyen, “as we fight against Covid, we lose many to this disease”

Bruxelles, 3 febbraio: la riunione odierna della Commissione Ue (foto SIR/European Commission)

Today, on the eve of World Cancer Day, the European Commission has presented Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, a “main priority” in the area of health for the Commission headed by Ursula von der Leyen. The Plan is intended to be a “key pillar of a strong European Health Union”. Drawing on new technologies, research and innovation, the Plan sets out “a new EU approach to cancer prevention, treatment and care. It will tackle the entire disease pathway”, focusing on “actions where the EU can add the most value”. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan “will be supported by actions spanning across policy areas from employment, education, social policy and equality – the Commission explains -, through marketing, agriculture, energy, the environment and climate, to transport, cohesion policy, and taxation”. Ursula von der Leyen said: “In 2020, while we were all fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us were fighting a silent battle. The battle against cancer”. Last year, “we lost 1.3 million Europeans to this disease. And sadly, the number of cases is on the rise. This is why we present Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan today. The fight of those battling cancer is our fight as well”.

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