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UK: COVID, people with disabilities not resuscitated. Ms. Tully (pro-lifer) to SIR, “real discrimination against the disabled”

“It is appalling that the governmental agency regulating healthcare services (Care Quality Commission) has found evidence that people with learning disabilities affected by COVID-19 in UK hospitals have been given ‘do not resuscitate’ orders. This shows that there is real discrimination against people with disabilities, and that their lives are considered not worth living”. This is according to Antonia Tully, spokesperson for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, a pro-life association in the UK, who, in an interview with SIR news agency, commented on the findings of the latest investigation by the agency charged by the British government to monitor hospitals and care homes. According to the Care Quality Commission, many people with learning disabilities were not placed on a ventilator despite being 30 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than their peers. “Unfortunately, discriminating against those who are most vulnerable, be they unborn children or people with Down’s syndrome, is a widespread attitude in the British society”, Antonia Tully goes on to say. “‘Do not resuscitate’ orders were also issued in the first weeks of the pandemic to the elderly who were diagnosed with the virus. In a situation where we are all working to protect and defend the lives of the weakest, it is shocking to see the cynicism of those who decide that these people, who are so vulnerable, do not have a right to live”.

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