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Poland: “Mum and dad, love one another!”, billboards in Warsaw “to counter the divorce mentality”

Large billboards reading “Mum and dad, love one another!” have been placed in Warsaw and other major Polish cities by the SYCHAR Community to encourage spouses “to counter the divorce mentality which is a denial of the marriage vows”. Founded in 2003, the SYCHAR Community supports married persons who want to keep their marriage vows regardless of the decision taken by their spouse. 26 billboards were placed at vantage points throughout the city of Warsaw for them to be clearly visible to passers-by, motorists and public transport users. “There are so many billboards because the number of divorces in Warsaw is quite high”, explains Andrzej Szczepaniak, a founder of SYCHAR and promoter of the initiative launched as part of the campaign “Our children – education, health, faith”. In 2019, 6,130 marriages but also 3,418 divorces were recorded in the Polish capital, Szczepaniak explains, adding that he is convinced that “every sacramental union can be saved if the spouses learn true love after the example of God’s love for man – a patient, faithful, unconditional and wise love, ready to forgive and to make sacrifices”. Sychar has 61 centres of conjugal love, not just in Poland, but also in Austria, Germany, the US and Ukraine. Due to the coronavirus, meetings are now held only online. Each centre then has its own website that promotes the activities of support groups in prayer.

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