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Poland: Day of Prayer for the sin of child abuse. “Support to victims from the whole ecclesial community”

“The persons who have been wounded have a right to expect the unfailing support of the whole ecclesial community on the long path of healing”, said Mgr. Wojciech Polak, Primate of Poland, responsible for child protection within the Polish Bishops’ Conference, ahead of the Day of Prayer and Penance for the sin of child abuse. The Day is celebrated on the first Friday of Lent. “I hope that the pastoral materials prepared for the Day 2021 will encourage a humble and sincere prayer in all dioceses, parishes, religious orders and congregations”, said the Primate. We hope that “this solidarity action will awake the consciences and sensitivities of all members of the ecclesial community, that it may become a safe home for our children and adolescents”. As Fr. Piotr Studnicki, Director of the Child Protection Office of the Bishops’ Conference, explained, the materials, which include reflections on the Way of the Cross, the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, “have been prepared by both abuse victims and those supporting them”. The Office has also launched a dedicated website:, with useful suggestions for those who decide to support abuse victims and for those who want to raise awareness among the various religious communities. “We want to ensure that the victims feel the spiritual support of the entire ecclesial community”, said Fr. Studnicki.

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