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Myanmar: Europe condemns the military coup. Von der Leyen, “legitimate civil government” must be restored. Sassoli, “immediate release” of all those detained

Europe condemns the military coup in Myanmar. Many European governments and chancelleries, starting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, have expressed their concerns about what is going on in the country: “I strongly condemn the coup in Myanmar”, she wrote in a tweet, calling for the “legitimate civilian government” to be restored “in line with the country’s constitution and the November elections”, and for the “immediate and unconditional release of all those detained”. Her words were echoed by European Council President Charles Michel and by EU High Representative Josep Borrell, who added: “Myanmar’s people want democracy. The EU stands with them”. Even European Parliament President David Sassoli joined in the condemnation: “We are united in our condemnation of the coup in Myanmar and in our call for the immediate release of all those detained”. “Election results must be respected and democracy restored”, he added.

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