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EU: Michel (Council), “Our unity made us stand firm in the face of dangerous provocations at the borders”

“We have seen that, when the Union and its member states want, they can have remarkable influence”, Charles Michel, president of the European Council, states in the foreword to the volume “The European way”. “Our strong commitment to climate neutrality by 2050 encouraged other countries to follow our example. Our unity made us stand firm in the face of dangerous provocations at the borders. And we have managed – he points out, maybe with too much emphasis – to convince the international community to negotiate an international treaty on pandemics that will make the world more well-prepared, more resilient and more united in the event of future public health crises”. “Lastly, every day we see that our development and cooperation model, deeply rooted into the fundamental values of dignity, freedom, democracy and respect, makes us increasingly attractive all over the world”. The volume contains the milestones the EU has gone through in 2021 and the speeches made by the president himself on different occasions. “I take the opportunity – the last lines of his foreword say – to wish you and your family a new year full of hope, solidarity, good health and lots of interesting initiatives”.

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