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Future of Europe Conference: third Citizens’ Panel today. Proposals on climate, environment and health up for debate

The third European Citizens’ Panel is taking place this third weekend of November as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe. As set out in the agenda for the Conference, 200 citizens will be meeting online to put forward proposals in the areas of climate change, the environment, and health. The first two Citizens’ Panels also had their online meetings in the past weekends, while the fourth Panel will be meeting next weekend. This is the second time that the Panels meet. The Panel’s work will begin today at 5 p.m. and will end in the late afternoon of Sunday, 21 November. The opening and closing sessions can be watched on the Parliament’s Multimedia Centre. The debate will start from the Report of the first meeting which, as for the other Panels, has divided the overarching topic into five work streams based on the priorities expressed. The five streams are: better way of living; protecting our environment and our health; redirecting our economy and consumption; towards a sustainable society; and caring for all. For each of these streams, citizens have already identified some subtopics that will be further explored in the debate taking place this weekend. The third Panel will meet again in Natolin (Warsaw) in January before submitting its recommendations to the Conference Plenary scheduled for January.

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