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Netherlands: survey among the faithful of 2,000 Christian communities. “How to shape the Church in post-Covid times?”

In these days, a survey is underway among the over 2,000 Christian communities belonging to the Catholic, Protestant, Old Catholic and Moravian Churches, to collect evaluations and suggestions on “how to shape the Church in post-Covid times”. The initiative is promoted by Actie Kerkbalans, the body in charge of the annual campaign that raises the economic resources on which the lives of the Churches depend. “Over the past two years, communities have heavily invested in creative and digital solutions for remote initiatives”; now we need to understand “what the faithful have learned and what they would like to keep for the future”, the promoters explain. The faithful are asked to fill in a quick questionnaire on how they live their belonging to a faith community and what they consider useful to keep after restrictions are lifted, particularly with respect to streamed celebrations and services or online meetings and contact opportunities mediated by digital platforms, but also in which direction the Church of the future should go. The survey also asks for a feedback about Actie Kerkbalans, namely on the reasons why they choose to financially support their local community or not.

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