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COP26: Von der Leyen (EU), zero emissions by 2050. “We have the duty of protecting our planet for future generations”

“The world’s race for net zero by mid-century is on. By working together, we can all be winners”, said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who will represent the Commission at COP26. At the UN conference in Glasgow, “we have the duty of protecting our planet for future generations. In Europe, we have everything in place to reach climate neutrality by 2050 and cut our emissions by at least 55% by 2030”. “In Glasgow – Von der Leyen went on to say -, I will be urging other world leaders to do the same; to innovate and to invest in a new more sustainable growth strategy. In short, to prosper and build healthier societies while ensuring a better future for our planet”. From 1 to 12 November, the European Commission will participate in the UN Climate Change Conference. On 1-2 November, President Von der Leyen will represent the Commission in particular at the World Leaders Summit which officially opens COP26. Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans will lead the EU negotiating team. Commissioner Kadri Simson will also attend COP26; over 150 side events will be hosted at the EU Pavilion.

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