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EU Commission: Erasmus+, measures to allow “many more people to learn or volunteer in another country”

Increasing the inclusiveness and diversity of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes for the period 2021-2027 – this is the aim of the measures adopted by the European Commission today. This will allow “many more people to learn or volunteer in another country”, particularly “people with fewer opportunities”, a statement from Brussels reads. Indeed, these measures will provide more financial support for people that may not have the means to meet additional costs or needs; “tailored support” will be provided throughout all phases of the mobility project. As for the organizations providing volunteer opportunities, they will be supported in strengthening their capacities in the areas of inclusion and diversity. Also, programmes will become more flexible, to include opportunities of different duration and formats (virtual or physical, individual or in group). And in the selection of projects, priority will be given to “quality projects involving participants with fewer opportunities and addressing the themes of inclusion and diversity”. According to Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Education and Youth, this is key to ensure that EU programmes “benefit all, regardless of their background, socio-economic context and physical, mental or health condition”. This is the “solidarity that the European project relies on”.

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