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EU Parliament: plenary session in Strasbourg from 4 October. Promoting the rights of citizens with disabilities

(Foto SIR/European Parliament)

The European Parliament will meet again in plenary in Strasbourg from 4 to 7 October. Items on the agenda that will be discussed by MEPs include the response to the health crises, rising energy costs, road safety, EU-US relations, the state of affairs in the tourism sector, and disinformation on social media. MEPs are also due to discuss a non-legislative resolution (debate on Monday, announcement of the results of the vote on Thursday) calling for a series of measures to strengthen the rights of European citizens with a disability, for instance by facilitating travel and access to non-segregated housing. “Mobility, education and housing – these are the areas where, according to the draft resolution being voted on, action is urgently needed to help Europeans with disabilities”, a note from Parliament reads. “MEPs’ recommendations include more flexible assistance with train travel, the introduction of a European Disability Card, ensuring that education systems are fit for different learners and needs, and providing non-segregated accommodation so that everyone can actively participate in community life”. MEPs are also due to reaffirm the need for the EU to do more in the fight against violence (including gender-based violence) and harassment, “which people with disabilities are more likely to experience than their peers, and to address the employment gap”.

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