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Slovakia: priests on the front line against Covid-19 pandemic

(Bratislava) – Over 200 priests in Slovakia have swapped their liturgical vestments for protective clothes to offer their services on the front line against the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Fr. Martin Kramara, spokesman for the Bishops´ Conference, apart from providing pastoral and sacramental care, they have been helping in the areas of crisis management, healthcare support, testing and vaccination planning, and some are even working in Covid-19 departments and intensive care units in hospitals throughout Slovakia. Most of them have been assigned to new duties by their bishops, but many are serving as volunteers, trying to fulfil their essential vocation to be close to people in need. Dominik Janky, chaplain from Stará Ľubovňa, is one of them: “I used to visit patients before, administering the holy sacraments to them, but it’s different this time. We all see that healthcare workers do their best to help improve the situation, and I am glad that I can lend a helping hand and contribute both spiritually and physically. They are heroes who deserve our respect and support”, concludes volunteer priest Fr. Janky.

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