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Fafce: “Intergenerational equity and demographic change”, a debate on family policies and the Recovery Plan

“Intergenerational equity and demographic change” will be the topic of the third “Fafce dialogue”, an initiative promoted by the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe to share a number of opinions about family policies and the Recovery Plan, the 750 billion euros’ plan launched by the EU to get out of the Covid crisis. The guest at such event, on January 27th (starting at 02.00 pm), will be the European Commissioner for Democracy and Demography, Dubravka Suica, and the debate will be focussed on the “Green Paper on Ageing”, an initiative that the European Commission is working at and that is expected to be at the centre of a public consultation soon. The meeting with Commissioner Suica will be introduced by Vincenzo Bassi, president of Fafce, then Suica’s speech will be followed by a debate. The meeting will be live-streamed on the YouTube channel of the Association, where the videos of the first two meetings, one with the Hungarian Family Minister, Katalin Novák, and one with the former Italian Minister for Family and Equal Opportunities, Elena Bonetti, are available too.

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