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Slovakia: preparation for the Year Amoris Laetitia Family, “Inspiring Stories from the Country” to set example of life in harmony with nature and community

(Bratislava) – “Inspiring stories from the country” is the title of a new project initiated by the civil association Christians in Country due to start in Slovakia in February. The national campaign will focus on drawing public attention to various projects and solidarity actions, the protection of nature and ecological efforts, the strengthening of family bonds, and ethical lifestyle in general. It is co-organized by the Forum of Christian Institutions and the Forum for Life. According to coordinator Ivana Németová, the project is supposed to “tune people in to the forthcoming special ‘Year Amoris Laetitia Family’ starting on March 19 upon the initiative of Pope Francis”. The organizers are convinced that there are many families and individuals living in the country who experience extraordinary family and social life. “They strengthen family and community life in their villages and parishes through various activities, trying to live in harmony with nature, growing plants and thus contributing to a quality standard of living, self-sufficiency, and to improving the environment. They educate their children to love nature and to a modest lifestyle, thereby setting a great example of simplicity and respect for true values”, explains Ivana Németová. Inspiring stories will be published on social media and the organizers hope that they will be especially encouraging in the difficult time of the Covid-19 pandemic and perhaps attract many other people and even change their lives. For more information:

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