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Coronavirus Covid-19: on Thursday, meeting of the 27 heads of state and government of the EU. Michel, “the vaccination campaign is our priority”

Il presidente del Consiglio europeo Charles Michel (foto SIR/UE)

“The infection rates all over Europe and the appearance of new, more infectious variants of the virus require the greatest caution. The prospect of the vaccinations is encouraging, but we must stay vigilant”, while “allowing cross-border mobility in the EU”. Charles Michel, president of the European Council, took stock again of the pandemic in the run-up to the video conference of the 27 heads of state and government of the EU about the fight against Covid, that will take place on Thursday 21st January at 06.00 pm. “For better coordination, I would like us to exchange our best practices about the measures taken in the member states and discuss our prospects for the next few weeks”, he wrote in the letter of invitation to the national leaders. “Our most urgent problem is vaccines. The good news is that now we have access to two vaccines that have been approved in the European Union and we have secured agreements for another four. The acceleration of vaccination all over the EU is our top priority”. During the summit, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, will take stock of the vaccination campaign in Europe. In addition, a potential common approach to a certification applicable all over the European Union will be discussed too. “Lastly, we should mention cooperation with third countries in connection with the vaccines, which should be treated as a global public good”.

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