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EU: European Social Summit in Porto on 7 May. “Ensuring equal opportunities, no one should be left behind”

Lisbona, Ursula von der Leyen con il premier portoghese Antonio Costa (foto SIR/European Commission)

Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have  invited EU Heads of State or Government, EU institutions, and social partners to a Social Summit in Porto on 7 May 2021. The invitation coincides with the visit of the College of Commissioners to Lisbon for the launch of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Social Summit – a statement from Lisbon explains – “will focus on how to strengthen Europe’s social dimension to meet the challenges of climate change and the digital transition, in order to ensure equal opportunities for all and that no one is left behind”. Faced with a pandemic that is sweeping the continent and its subsequent crises (health, economic and social), the EU “put the European Pillar of Social Rights back at the centre with an Action Plan that the Commission will present in the coming weeks. The EU Pillar was adopted in Gothenburg in November 2017 and includes 20 objectives and principles divided into various chapters, including: education and life-long learning; gender equality; active support to employment; fair wages for a decent standard of living and same wages for same work and responsibilities; social dialogue and involvement of workers’ representatives; safe and healthy work environment; maternity and childcare services; and support to workers who lose their jobs.

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