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Brexit: Barnier (EU) lands in London. The Prime Minister Boris Johnson backtracks on deal. The British newspapers’ headlines

(London) “Johnson faces Barnier’s warning not to backtrack on Brexit divorce deal”. This is what the “Financial Times” writes mid-page. “Brexit deal never made sense, PM to tell EU”, the “Daily Telegraph”, the newspaper of the Conservative elites and an anti-European one, has on its headline. “Brexit deal on the brink as PM warns: ‘no compromise’”. This is printed on “I”, a small tabloid-size newspaper with basic news. As Michel Barnier, the European chief negotiator, is about to land in the United Kingdom for the eighth and final round of negotiations on Great Britain’s leaving the EU, today the British newspapers publish full-page headlines about the deal of October 17th that now Johnson seems to be wanting to backtrack on. Some sing the praises of his ability to manipulate the “Withdrawal agreement”, which laid down the conditions for Brexit to the benefit of British national interests. Others are very critical of a Prime Minister who is backtracking on the promises he made when he signed the Withdrawal Agreement. According to the “Times” whose full-page headline goes like this: “Tories tell Johnson that watering down Brexit deal is dangerous”, even within the Conservative party many are struggling to put up with the latest U-turn of the Prime Minister, who announced a new legislation to bring control over the Northern Ireland borders back in the hands of the British ministers.

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