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Pope Francis: audience, “do not return to normality”, it was “sick before the pandemic”.

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“To regenerate society and not to return to the so-called ‘normality’, which is a sick normality; indeed, it was already sick before the pandemic: the pandemic just made it visible”. Pope Francis made this appeal in his General Audience catechesis delivered in the San Damaso courtyard in front of some 500 people today. “We now return to normality, no! This is not right!”, he remarked off the cuff, “because this normality was sick with injustice, inequality and environmental degradation”. “The normality to which we are called is that of the Kingdom of God, where the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them”, Pope Francis said. “And no one ‘plays dumb’ by looking the other way”, he added off the cuff: “And this is what we should do, to bring about change”. “In the normality of the Kingdom of God, there is bread for all and leftovers, and the social organization is based on contributing, sharing and distributing with tenderness, not on possessing, excluding and accumulating”. “In the end, we cannot take anything with us after death”, he explained off the cuff.

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