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United Kingdom: Birmingham, green lights to the “Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer”, the largest Christian monument in the country

(London) It is the grandest contemporary Christian monument in the United Kingdom, and its supporters, including Bernard Longley, Catholic archbishop of Birmingham, were granted permission to build it a few days ago. “The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer” is a huge Mobius Strip, without a real end or tail, made up of one million bricks, each one showing a prayer that has been made to God and has been answered. It will be built just outside of Birmingham, and visitors may also use an app to read the words of the prayers on the bricks, which will be available by audio, video or text as well. Anyone can send a prayer to the website,, and 24,794 have arrived so far. The purpose of the 51-metre tall building, which will be visible to half a million car drivers every day, is precisely to preserve Christian identity by reminding everyone of the existence of God. It will cost almost 10 million euros, 640 thousand of which have already been raised. The wall is the brainchild of Richard Gamble, former chaplain of Leicester football team, who states he had a vision. “In 2004, I decided to take a cross around in Leicestershire in the Easter period to remind people of the figure of Jesus. I managed to engage 250 thousand people”, Gamble explained. “At the end of that experience, I asked God what my next call should be, and He gave me the idea of the wall”.


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