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EU response to the pandemic. Medical supplies from Slovakia and France to Kenya, Bangladesh, Ecuador and El Salvador

EU countries remain actively engaged in the global response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Slovakia has sent 20,000 protective face masks, 50,000 coronavirus test kits, hand disinfectant and laboratory supplies to Kenya. The return flight to Europe will bring back EU citizens who were still waiting to be repatriated. France is sending medical supplies and equipment to Bangladesh, Ecuador and El Salvador. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič said he is “proud” to see these initiatives taking place. “To limit the spread of the coronavirus we have to act together, globally”, the Commissioner declared. “The EU’s global response is helping tackle the pandemic on multiple fronts”, he pointed out. “Any country in the world can call on the EU Civil Protection Mechanism for help”, the Commission made known in a release. During this ongoing pandemic, the Mechanism has coordinated the delivery of assistance to 24 countries, including 7 EU Member States.

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