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Recovery Plan: Von der Leyen speeds up. A meeting on 8th July with Sassoli, Merkel and Michel. “A quick, ambitious agreement is crucial”

Ursula von der Leyen (photo SIR/CE)

“It is our joint responsibility to finalise this recovery plan without delay” and “show to all Europeans that the Union is ready to take action, to everyone’s benefit”: in a notice issued in Brussels today, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, informs that she asked the other EU leaders for a meeting to discuss the measures in support of economy and in response to the crisis, partly in the run-up to the European Council of 17th and 18th July. “Coming to a quick, ambitious agreement about the recovery plan in Europe is the EU’s greatest priority for the next few weeks”, Von der Leyen states. The EU Commission has worked out plans that “respond to Europe’s need to recover and will lay the grounds for a more sustainable and resilient economy for the future generations”. Since the EU Commission’s submission of its proposals for Next Generation EU and an updated Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027 (on 27th May), “frequent contacts have been held with the European Parliament and with the EU Council. Such constructive exchanges have proven that there is a shared determination to take action in support of Europe’s recovery”. She adds: “A strong political leadership will be required to bring these efforts to a successful conclusion. A close coordination among the institutions and the full involvement of the European Parliament are critical. Coming to an agreement quickly is crucial”. Hence a call to hold a restricted meeting, due to take place on 8th July, with Von der Leyen herself, David Sassoli, president of the European Parliament, Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, in her capacity as the current president of the EU Council, and Charles Michel, president of the European Council.

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