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Development goals: Eurostat, EU makes progress in some areas, no step forward on climate and setbacks on gender equality

Paolo Gentiloni (Photo SIR/European Commission)

The Statistical Office of the EU Eurostat has today published a “Monitoring Report” on the EU progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “Most progress” was achieved towards goal 16, “Peace, justice and strong institutions”; “good progress”, albeit considerably slower, was made for SDG 1 “No poverty” and SDG 3 “Good health and well-being”, followed by goals “Zero hunger” and “Decent work and economic growth”. For eight SDGs, “moderate progress” was visible, namely for SDG 11 “Sustainable cities and communities”; SDG 4 “Quality education”; SDG 17 “Partnership for the goals”; SDG 12 “Responsible consumption and production”; SDG 7 “Affordable and clean energy”; SDG 10 “Reduced inequalities”, SDG 15 “Life on land”; and SDG 9 “Industry, innovation and infrastructure”. “No progress”, however, has been made over the last 5 years with regard to SDG 13, “Climate action”, while for SDG 5, “Gender equality”, the EU has “moved away from sustainable development objectives”. In the case of two goals (6 “Clean water and sanitation” and 14 “Life below water”), there is insufficient data for an assessment. According to Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni, the data show that “as we battle the dramatic repercussions of the pandemic, we must not lose sight of global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing social and economic inequality. Implementing policies to reach the SDGs is our roadmap to a better world and Europe must be at the forefront of that journey”.

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