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European Council: Sassoli, “address immediate challenges, look to the future with a forward-looking vision”

“In addition to addressing immediate challenges, we need to look to the future with a forward-looking vision. If on the one hand, we have appreciated the Commission’s prompt response to the crisis, on the other hand, the revised proposal for the Multiannual Financial Framework does not yet meet the priorities set at the beginning of this legislature, which are even more pressing now”. European Parliament President David Sassoli said this in his address to the European Council meeting via video conference today. “We need to protect our citizens, but we also need to create opportunities. We cannot talk about investing in young people and, at the same time, not adequately support Erasmus+. Likewise, we cannot effectively support the Green Deal and digitisation by reducing the Connecting Europe Facility budget”. The President pointed out: “I am deeply concerned about the impact that the crisis is having on people’s lives. I have received – as I am sure you all have – pleas for help from many charities working with our nations’ most vulnerable people. We must listen to these voices and reassure them that we will never waver in our support for those in need”. Sassoli went on to say: “Now is not the time to water down our ambitions. We need to show our citizens the value of Europe and our ability to come up with solutions that matter in their lives. The financial tools we are deploying “will reduce inequalities and allow Europe to play a leading role in the epochal changes that lie ahead. Digital transition and green economy, access to technology for all, creating new jobs – these are Europe’s challenges for the future”.

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