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EU Commission: social campaign to promote rediscovery of Europe’s natural and cultural treasures

Sustainable cultural tourism is the focus of a social media campaign launched by the European Commission today to promote the rediscovery of Europe’s natural and cultural treasures. The EU’s tourism sector, particularly cultural tourism, which represents around 40% of tourism in the EU, has been hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis. “This summer we may be staying closer to home for our holidays but that does not mean we cannot have an enjoyable time”, said Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research and Culture. “In Europe, we have a wealth of natural and cultural sites to visit. It’s all just on our doorsteps ready for us to discover”. “Europe’s culture – close to you” campaign will help Europeans to “discover the beauty and richness of places close to their homes, in a safe and sustainable way”, Commissioner Gabriel went on to say. The campaign also refers to an interactive tool in 24 languages made available by the Commission for travellers in Europe, with all relevant information to make safe holiday and travel plans. Always with a view to tourism, the Commission also developed a “recovery plan for the tourism sector” which was presented on 13 May.

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