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EU: Message from Catholic and Evangelical Churches about German presidency. “Consequences of pandemic to be addressed with a united Europe”

“Now more than ever it is important to trace a common path in the future, in the literal sense of the motto ‘Together. Making Europe Strong Again’. For the economic and social consequences of the pandemic can only be overcome by a united Europe”. This is an excerpt from the joint statement released today by the president of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, and the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, Mgr. Georg Bätzing, a few days before the start of Germany’s six-month EU Council presidency (1 July-31 December 2020). “The future of all of us is not only in our national states, but also in Europe”, the Bishops wrote. “In view of the German Presidency of the EU Council, and beyond, we call on German politicians to define the future of our common home in Europe in a spirit of responsibility for the European cohesion”. According to the Churches, with the Council Presidency, “Germany, being the largest and economically strongest Member State, has a chance to play a leading role as ‘primus inter pares’”.

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