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COMECE-SECAM: Bishops’ document on EU-Africa partnership. “Multilateral cooperation, ecology, migrants”

“We are firmly convinced that Africa and Europe could become the engines for a reinvigoration of multilateral cooperation”, the Presidents of COMECE and SECAM stated in the introduction to the document “Justice shall flourish and fullness of peace for ever” released today ahead of the EU-African Union Summit in October. Commenting on the launch of the joint contribution, Card. Hollerich recalled the common roots and geographical proximity between Europe and Africa and highlighted “Europe’s responsibility to share peace and prosperity with our neighbours”. The document of the bishops of the two continents also offers a number of “specific policy recommendations” aiming to “reshape the intercontinental political and economic relations towards an equitable and responsible partnership that puts the people at its centre”. In this respect, EU and African Bishops plead for a partnership for integral human development, integral ecology, human security and peace, as well as for the people on the move.

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