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Slovakia: artistic competition for schools to express gratitude to the “heroes of our days”

(Bratislava) – “Heroes of our days” is the title of a new artistic competition sponsored by the Association of Catholic Schools of Slovakia (ACSS). The gates of all kindergartens, schools and universities in the country have remained closed since the beginning of March due to COVID-19. And teachers of these institutions are trying to do their best to help children and young people through this difficult time with online lessons and educational support. According to ACSS President Daniel Masarovic, the goal of the competition is very simple – to be inventive and show gratitude to those who are in the front line in the fight against the pandemic. “They are courageous, many of them serve quietly, without any ambition to announce it to the world. Regardless of their own health, they sacrifice their time and willingness, embracing the very core of Christianity without talking about it”, explains Masarovic. Pupils and students can send their literary and graphic works until 30 April. “Apart from expressing gratitude, our aim is to inspire a sense of solidarity and unselfishness among kids and young people, so that they realize that our life is beautiful when we give generously and with love”, concludes the president of ACSS. For more information:

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