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Coronavirus Covid-19: United Kingdom, deaths moving from hospitals to old people’s homes. The figures contradict Johnson

(London) The figures that have just been issued by the British Office for National Statistics, which contradict the statements made by Boris Johnson, who declared the virus defeated, are official. The figures show that the frontline of the British fight against Covid-19 has moved from hospitals, where many beds are empty now, to old people’s homes, where the number of deaths has quite remarkably increased in the last two weeks. Even by over 70%, according to the newspaper “The Guardian”. Today, the ONS confirmed, partly based on the first few embedded data of the “Care Quality Commission”, the industry’s supervisory authority – that deaths in old people’s homes in England and Wales have reached a record-breaking number. Two thousand people killed by Covid-19 in the week that ended on 17th April – it takes eleven days for the certificates to get to the Office for National Statistics –, twice the number of the previous seven days. The projections for the next week show that the number has increased even further. A dizzying increase that is reflected in the general statistics of deaths that have exceeded 22 thousand, also in the week ended in 17th April, twice the number for this time of the year and the highest number since 1993, when such statistics began to be recorded. “A peak that seems to have been reached and that marks the start of a descent”, governmental sources stated yesterday: not to mention the quickly growing number of deaths in old people’s homes

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