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Brexit: Scotland against London. Russell, “postponing withdrawal from the EU by two years. Our economy would not withstand Covid and a no-deal Brexit”

(London) It is a request that will be turned down but one that is indicative, once again, of the gap that exists between the British government and the Scottish one regarding Brexit. As the negotiations about Great Britain’s exit from the EU are resumed today, Michael Russell (in the photo), Scottish Cabinet Secretary, asked Downing Street to extend by another two years the transition that keeps United Kingdom within the European Union until 31st December. Why? “The Scottish economy cannot withstand the double blow of Covid-19 and a no-deal Brexit, leaving the European Union without an agreement, in under nine months”, said Russell; who also wants the ministerial committee in charge of Brexit, which has not met since last January, to resume its meetings by conference call. The negotiations between the United Kingdom and the EU had been stopped because the two negotiators, Michael Barnier and David Frost, had been infected by the virus. Last week, Frost stated that he is not going to ask for an extension of the transition. According to Russell, Boris Johnson’s government is leaving the government of Scotland, as well as those of Wales and Northern Ireland, out of the negotiations. “The United Kingdom is going on with the negotiations without properly involving the Scottish one”, Russell stated. “The voices of all four nations of the United Kingdom should be listened to”.

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