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COVID-19 Coronavirus: COMECE-CEC joint statement. “In trying times, let us re-discover our common humanity”

“The COVID-19 pandemic and its dire consequences have hit Europe and the entire world with full strength. Putting to the test every person, family and community, the present crisis has exposed the vulnerabilities and apparent certainties of our politics, economics and societies”, Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and President of COMECE (Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union), and Rev. Christian Krieger, President of CEC (Conference of European Churches), said in a joint statement. “Nevertheless, these trying times are also allowing us to re-discover our common humanity as brothers and sisters”. “We think of the many people who are sowing hope every day by exercising charity and solidarity”, they stated. “We would like to pray with deep gratitude for all those who serve their fellow human beings with empathy and warmth by supporting them selflessly: medical doctors, nursing staff, providers of basic services, law and order forces, and persons involved in pastoral care”. Hollerich and Krieger went on to say: “We wish to pray for all the people who are suffering during this crisis – in particular the sick, the elderly, the poor, the excluded and children experiencing family instability. We also remember all those who passed away in our prayers”.


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