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Slovakia: responsible solidarity with lonely elderly people, net of practical and emotional support

(Bratislava) – Responsible solidarity with lonely elderly people could be the motto of these days in Slovakia. Charitable organizations, institutions run by the Church, municipalities and individuals participate in the campaign aimed at providing support services to the most vulnerable group of inhabitants. “Even our simplest everyday routine of shopping, community life and visits to medical centres and institutions could harm our elders. Our aim is to create a net of support that would help them minimize contacts with the public and protect their fragile health from the Covid-19 virus”, explains Peter Bubla, spokesman for the Bratislava municipality. A special contact line has been established to meet the demands of elderly people. The appeal to help seniors in this difficult time has led to hundreds of concrete offers from individuals appearing daily on social networks. Charitable workers invite people not only to give practical help and emotional support, but also to prevent a feeling of isolation. “Remind these people that they successfully coped with many difficult situations in the past and that they can handle the virus epidemic as well if they keep their spirits up, respect all guidelines regarding hygiene, and eliminate contact with other people. Please, show your solidarity!”, recommends the city of Bratislava where one-fifth of the inhabitants are over 65.

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