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Coronavirus Covid-19: United Kingdom, the epidemic makes the headlines. Daily Mail, “say the Lord’s Prayer while you wash your hands”. The Sun, “shut up shops”

(London) Say the Lord’s Prayer while you wash your hands. It takes more than the twenty seconds recommended by the Government. Go on for seven days, knowing that thousands of other Christians will do the same. In a leading article in the “Daily Mail”, a greatly popular tabloid newspaper, Justin Welby and John Sentamu, the archbishops of Canterbury and York, respectively, at the helm of the Church of England, call the readers to find again their faith in God and solidarity with their neighbours in these days of a serious national crisis. The day after the new measures announced by the Government, Great Britain woke up to “shut up shops”. This is the banner headline in “The Sun” bestselling newspaper. There is also some criticism of the Government’s approach, based on the “herd immunity” theory, which had already been questioned by many experts a few days ago. According to “The Guardian”, the “United Kingdom is lagging behind the rest of the world, because the World Health Organisation has emphasised the importance of always taking a test, while here only those who may need to be hospitalised can take it”. For next Sunday, which will be Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom, when there is no family that will not be out for a meal, the Anglican archbishops ask people to stay at home and “light a candle at 7.00 pm, then put it at the window, call someone who is isolated, give something to a food bank, and do not forget the poor”.

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