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COVID-19 Coronavirus: European Bishops’ prayer, “do not abandon us in the moment of trial”

“At this difficult time when we are sorely tested by the pandemic caused by COVID-19”, Card. Angelo Bagnasco and Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich, respectively Presidents of the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) and of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), on behalf of all Bishops of Europe, raise a prayer to God “our Father, Creator of the world, almighty and merciful”, asking for “help, comfort and salvation”.

The Bishops of the whole of Europe join together with Pope Francis in reiterating the Church’s closeness to all those struggling due to this outbreak: the victims, their families and all healthcare workers, volunteers and faithful who are in the front line in caring for those affected and bringing them relief.

“Look upon your children – the text of the prayer reads – who, in this difficult time of confusion and dismay in many regions of Europe and the world, turn to you seeking strength, salvation and relief, deliver us from illness and fear, heal our sick, comfort their families, give wisdom to our rulers, energy and reward to our doctors, nurses and volunteers, eternal life to the dead. Do not abandon us in the moment of trial but deliver us from all evil”.

In the press release that accompanies the prayer, CCEE and COMECE recall what Card. Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said about the coronavirus emergency. “It is a propitious time to understand the value of fraternity and of our bonds with each other in an indissoluble way”. Bagnasco and Hollerich hence invite all human persons, families and communities to “pray and to behave responsibly in order to avoid the spread of the virus and protect life”. Finally, the statement mentions the recent reports by the World Health Organization, according to which since December 2019, about 130,000 people from across 126 countries in the world resulted positive to COVID-19. More than 4,000 already died. The Secretariats of the two bodies are also taking precautionary measures to ensure safety and health of their staff and partners.

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