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Coronavirus: Mr Bruni, “no alert” in the Vatican, 700,000 masks sent to China

(Foto Siciliani-Gennari/SIR)

The Vatican has sent about 600,000-700,000 masks to China to help contain the growing coronavirus outbreak, Vincenzo Han Duo, vice rector of The Pontifical Urban College, told the Global Times. The initiative was jointly launched by Card. Konrad Krajewski, Papal almoner, the Vatican Pharmacy, and the Chinese community in Italy. There is, however, “no alert” in the Vatican as regards the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, the Holy See Press Office Director, Matteo Bruni, told the press, adding that “only an information note on coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been issued from the Department of Health and Hygiene of the Governorate of Vatican City State to the authorities responsible for regulating access to the State”. “No restrictive measures have been introduced, since there is no need for them at present”, Mr Bruni remarked. Even the Pope, during his Angelus prayer on Sunday, 26 January, referred to the ongoing epidemic”: “I wish to be close to and pray for the people who are sick because of the virus that has spread throughout China”. “May the Lord – the Pontiff stated – welcome the deceased into his peace, comfort families and support the great commitment of the Chinese community, already put in place to fight the epidemic”.

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