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America: the meeting of representatives of the episcopates of the USA, Canada and Latin America in Florida

The meeting of the Bishops of the American Church will take place in Tampa, Florida (USA), from today, 17th February, to Thursday, 20th February. Ecclesial delegates from Canada, the United States and the Episcopal Conference of Latin America (Celam), on behalf of the Churches of Latin America and the Caribbean region, will take part in such meeting. As pointed out on the website of Celam, this is a meeting that has “a tradition of over 40 years and tries to maintain relationships of communication and fraternal dialogue among ecclesial representatives as well as promoting exchanges of views about matters of common interest to strengthen Episcopal cooperation within the Church of the Americas”. The meeting, which is held every two years, is organised by all countries on a rota basis. This year, Celam will be in charge of the programme and coordination. The most striking items on the agenda include an insight on the apostolic exhortation Querida Amazonia and the recent Pan-Amazon Synod. Such issues will be discussed by mgr. Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte, president of Celam and archbishop of Trujillo, and Mauricio López, executive secretary of the Pan-Amazon Ecclesial Network. Other items on the agenda include the repercussions of the political crisis experienced by many Latin American countries, the renewal of the clergy, the presentation of the work-plan of Caritas Internationalis, the phenomenon of migration, the youth pastoral service, and the role of Bishops Emeriti.

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