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Norway: no more than 20 people in church. Oslo, bishop Eidsvig asks the authorities for “Christmas amnesty”.

Bernt Eidsvig, bishop of Oslo, asked the authorities of the Norwegian capital and the city of Bergen for a sort of “Christmas amnesty” to allow more than the 20 people admitted according to the applicable rules to attend the Christmas celebrations. “Christmas Masses have a deep meaning for many believers”, mgr. Eidsvig explained, and even “the outdoor Masses that we are organising can be a risk for old people’s health”. The bishop of Oslo asked that the number of people attending Mass in the different churches may be “established in consultation with the authority” and promised: “On our part, we will do all we can to make sure the infection-control procedures are adhered to in church”. In his plea, mgr. Eidvig mentioned what is happening in “some other countries in Europe” that “have implemented a similar form of Christmas amnesty”, such as Germany, “provided church-goers wear a face mask and do not sing”.


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